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급하게 자료를 구하고저 메일 드립니다.
- Y. Lee, Joohun Lee and K. Y. Lee, “ PCA Fuzzy Mixture Model for Speaker Identification,” Lecture Note of Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL2003, Hong Kong, China), LNCS 2690, pp.992-999, Mar., 2003.
- Y. Lee, Joohun Lee and K. Y. Lee, “Efficient Speaker Identification Based on Robust VQ-PCA,” Lecture Note of Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA2003, Montreal, Canada), LNCS 2668, pp.631-638, May 2003.
- Y. Lee, C. Seo, Joohun Lee and K. Y. Lee, “Speaker Verification System for PDA in Mobile-Commerce,” Lecture Note of Web and Communication Technologies and Internet-Related Social Issues (HSI2003, Seoul, Korea), LNCS 2713, pp.668-674, Jun., 2003.
- K.Y. Lee and Joohun Lee, “A Study on IMM with NPHMM and an application to speech enhancement,” Signal Processing, Vol.9, pp.1701~1701, Sep., 2004.
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